November 04, 2016
I think The Chainsmokers have had a very busy year, because after "Close", this song actually chills me to the bone. Its about the...
Dealing With Your Period
October 29, 2016I know how it feels like. I know how bad is. I'm just like you. a nd the other girls too. We are all the same.
you just dont get it
October 14, 2016it happened on friday morning, when we met and looked at each other in the corner of the room. it happened on friday morning, when shortl...
it happened on friday morning, when shortly we each looked away... but in the end we are meant to be, we're so close to each other.
it happened on friday afternoon, when you asked me to join your jokes but accidentally you hurt my eyes, all you do is automatically hug me. and i couldn't ask for more.
you, totally have no idea how fast my heart races whenever i'm near you.
Gerakan Nasional 1000StartUp Digital
July 31, 2016Kami percaya Indonesia bisa berdaya. Indonesia bisa jadi pemain kelas dunia. Ini adalah perjalanan bagi mereka yang ingin men...
(Movie) Sunshine Becomes You
July 27, 2016Merupakan film yang diadaptasi dari sebuah novel yang berjudul sama, karangan Ilana Tan. Sinopsisnya bisa dilihat di goodreads soalnya kat...
Sinopsisnya bisa dilihat di goodreads soalnya katanya memang persis banget dengan versi bukunya. (
Kopdar 100 Komunitas by Sebangsa & KomunitaID
June 19, 2016Sabtu, 9 April lalu, Sebangsa dan KomunitaID menggelar acara Kopdar 100 Komunitas di Gedung Telkom.
(Movie) Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? 2
May 01, 2016Bandara dan udara memisahkan New York dan Jakarta Resah di dadamu dan rahasia yang menanti di jantung puisi dipisahkan kata ...